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Employees, click below to learn how the Family Glitch Fix can save you and your family money!
Employers, click below to learn how the Family Glitch Fix can help you and your employees save money!
Brokers, click below to learn how the Family Glitch Fix can help your clients!
When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was introduced, it did not allow dependents of employees who were offered an employer based health plan to enjoy the savings offered by the ACA.
Now, for the first time, millions of those “employee health plan dependents" may qualify for a Subsidy which could dramatically reduce the cost of their health coverage.
Because of to recent guidance by the current Administration, there is now a Fix to the Family Glitch and it allows us to help employers, employees and up to 5.1 million or more dependents this year save thousands of dollars on their dependent health coverage.
Every year we help thousands and thousands of clients pay as low as $0 for their healthcare and we would like to see if we can help you save money on your dependent coverage as well.
To see what options are available in your area, click here to select your state and see your options.
These are comprehensive health insurance plans with no pre-existing limitations and no dollar limits for how much they will pay for medically necessary health treatments.
These plans are underwritten by many of the largest, nationally known insurance carriers, and are guaranteed issue if you are within certain income ranges, as long if the applicant is a legal resident. These are “individual" health plans, not “group” health plans.
The Family Glitch Fix platform helps provide healthcare coverage for dependents (spouses and children) of employees.
If the employee’s cost for the employer health plan, including dependent coverage, exceeds 9.12% of the household monthly income, the dependents may be eligible for financial assistance (subsidies) through the ACA Marketplace.
The employee who has health coverage on an employer plan will remain on that health plan. Employees who are covered or offered coverage on an employer health plan cannot get a subsidy for an individual plan. But many employees pay a lot for their dependents to be covered on the employer group health plan, and many of them cannot afford to be on the employer plan at all!
If you’d like to see if you qualify for a subsidy and learn more about possibly enrolling, click here to select your state and see your options. You can get a quote in just a few minutes and enroll very quickly and simply.
The Family Glitch Fix platform is powered by Peek Performance Insurance, a national network of licensed and certified agents, committed to helping you find the best health insurance solution for your business and your family.
Since 1995, our team has appointed and trained more than 8000 licensed insurance agents and has helped over 250,000 Health, Medicare and Life clients with quality coverage. We can help you too.
Click the 'Get Quote' button below to select your state and get a quick online quote today! Or you can call and speak with an agent.
Want to learn more about how this program can help your employees? Fill out the Employer Request form and our team will reach out to you!
Are you a broker and want to learn more? Fill out the Broker Request form and our marketing team will reach out to you with more information.
Complete the form below, and our agent care team will reach out to you with more information about how to get started.
Did you know that employers can keep their Group Health Plan, and we can help them save money on expensive “dependent” coverage!
Complete the form below to watch a short video for Brokers to learn more about the Family Glitch Fix and how it can help your clients!
Did you know that employers can keep their Group Health Plan, and we can help them save money on expensive “dependent” coverage!
Complete the form below to watch a short video for Brokers to learn more about the Family Glitch Fix and how it can help your clients!